Mobile Diagnostic Check & Vehicle Fault Finding Dublin
What Are Vehicle Diagnostics? All modern vehicles are fitted with a series of interconnected computers, which run the major vehicle functions and electrical components . This is know as the Engine Control Unit or ECU. These computers link up with your dashboard to alert you when an element needs attention. For example, the brake light will appear when there is a fault with your braking system.
AllVech has a full range of mobile diagnostic equipment, which runs a thorough check on all elements of your ECU. This diagnostics check includes fault finding, which alerts our mechanics to any areas of your vehicle which need attention.
Emergency Diagnostics
If you have a breakdown, accident or vehicle emergency, AllVech’s 24/7 callout service ensures that we will respond to your call immediately. When your AllVech mechanic arrives on the scene, they may need to run a fault finding diagnostic check as part of your repair. You can relax, knowing that we will be thorough and advise you clearly on the best way forward.
Schedule Your Diagnostic Check
As part of our excellent service, you can book your vehicle diagnostics check at a time that suits your busy day. We will come to your home or place of work and run diagnostics without interrupting your schedule.
Schedule Your Diagnostic CheckVehicle Diagnostics and Fault Finding Annual Service
We offer a full diagnostic check as part of our 30 Point Checklist Service and our extensive diagnostics equipment can run fault finding for any kind of vehicle. Make vehicle diagnostics a regular part of your vehicle care routine for the safest driving and best possible performance from your vehicle.